Depression – West Wales Water


Up and Down

I have read and been told that the road out of depression is one of ups and downs, with the ups slowly outweighing the downs.

I’ve done a lot of work with the CBT and revert back to looking at sessions I’ve had with Neil when things are not good. It does help but it in no way dispels the feelings. The last couple of days have not been so good, having been through a period when I really felt I was getting there.


Bringing these moments into your overall schema of who you are is important, understanding that it is part of you and not rejecting it helps. Accepting rather than continually questioning and letting things be as they will feels like a way forward.

Which Images to Show


I’ve been in west Wales in my van for a week, with Gwenda, and have felt that a surge of energy I’ve not had in a long while, but just now as I write this it feels a long way away and the energy is not there. I had planned to show, in this next blog, a few of images that reflected how I was feeling during a trip over to Ramsey island; brilliant light patterns in clear water, painterly and in their own way a reflection on a state of mind. Feeling how I do today I thought it at first inappropriate and had chosen another image from the week that seemed to resonate. On further reflection and looking at the strategies I’ve worked on when things aren’t going so well I felt the first set would help more, so here we go; west Wales water.



…. and the image that just now feels more like my state of mind. It’s a hard road to recovery.



Filed under: Beyond The Surface of Things, Diary EntriesTagged with:


  1. Tim
    Hope the “ups” get more frequent and outnumber the “downs”.
    Your images are all amazing, even if they pertaining to a down period and you should know that they give pleasure to a lot of people, so you are doing something that is helping others too.
    Photography is a wonderful therapy, especially for a talented person like you.

  2. Thanks Marilyn, I’ve always loved photography and found solace in it. Just hope it never dies!

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